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Unrealized Gain/Loss

An unrealized gain or loss is the potential profit or loss on an investment that has not been sold yet.

Unrealized Gain/Loss is an important concept in both cryptocurrency and accounting. It refers to the potential profit or loss on an investment that has not been sold or realized yet. It represents the paper gain or loss based on the current market value of the asset compared to its original cost. This distinction between realized and unrealized gains/losses is crucial as it impacts financial reporting, tax implications, and overall investment strategy.

Understanding Unrealized Gain/Loss:

When an investor or a business acquires an asset such as a cryptocurrency, stock, or property, its value can fluctuate with market changes. The difference between the asset's current market value and its original cost basis determines the unrealized gain or loss. If the market value is higher than the cost basis, it's an unrealized gain, and if it's lower, it's an unrealized loss.

Unrealized gains/losses are considered "unrealized" because they are not yet actualized through a sale or disposition of the asset. As long as the investment remains in the portfolio without any transaction, the gain or loss is only on paper.

Tax Implications:

Unrealized gains/losses can have tax implications, especially for investments like cryptocurrencies and stocks:

Capital Gains Tax:

In many jurisdictions, capital gains tax is applied to the realized gains upon selling an investment. As unrealized gains are not yet actual profits, they are not subject to taxation. This can provide tax benefits to long-term investors who can defer taxes until they sell the asset.

Tax-Loss Harvesting:

Investors may use unrealized losses strategically to offset realized gains and reduce their overall tax liability. This practice, known as tax loss harvesting, is a common strategy in investment planning.


Relevant Examples:

Let's look at two examples of unrealized gain/loss scenarios:

Example 1: Cryptocurrency Investment

Alice purchases 1 Bitcoin for $10,000. After a few months, the market value of 1 Bitcoin increases to $15,000. Since Alice hasn't sold her Bitcoin yet, she has an unrealized gain of $5,000 ($15,000 - $10,000).

Example 2: Stock Investment

Bob buys 100 shares of a tech company's stock at $50 per share. The stock price rises, and the current market value of each share is $75. Bob's unrealized gain is $2,500 ($75 - $50) x 100.

In both cases, the gains are unrealized until Alice and Bob decide to sell their investments.


Crypto Accounting
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